Supported Devices

VoiceConsole supports Honeywell Talkman and Android devices. VoiceConsole 6.2.1 supports:

  • Honeywell Android devices supported by DevKit

  • A700x (for SaaS and On Prem deployments)

  • A500 and A700 (for On Prem deployments only)

Minimum software versions may be required. See the matrix of supported hardware and software by VoiceConsole versions for required VoiceCatalyst or VoiceClient versions (Talkman devices only) or DevKit versions (A700x and Android devices).

Feature Comparison - Android vs. Talkman

Review the items below for differences in VoiceConsole function between Android and Talkman devices.


Talkman Feature Android Device
Licensing ü  

Operator Management

Talkman Feature Android Device
Operators ü  

Operator Templates

Operator Teams ü


Associated With a Task Package or Voice

Available in Talkman devices.

For Android devices, either an APK developed from DevKit and/or the necessary GWS Connector components (these are equivalent to a Task Package) must be installed manually or with an MDM. The voice is selected from the Android device or application.

Send Message X  
Load Operator by

A user can pre-assign an operator to Talkman devices.

For Android devices an operator logs on the device directly to receive the assignment.

Device Management

Talkman Feature Android Device
Export VRG / Device
Profile Configuration

Device Profiles are required only for Talkman devices. These profiles are for loading VoiceCatalyst, Network Configurations, and Advanced Settings.

For Android devices, the operating system and Network Configurations are loaded directly on the devices rather than within profiles. This can be supported by an MDM.

Report a Problem ü


Device Groups X Device groups are groups of devices that you can work with as a unit, making any device-based actions easier to perform. Device groups are for Talkman devices only. They provide functionality such as loading device profiles, task packages, and operators.
Configurations /
Battery Management Reports

For Talkman devices, the Export Headset Report provides a list of all active headsets. The Battery Management Report is currently available only for SRX3 headsets and SRX3 batteries or Talkman batteries.

View Android battery information through the Android device settings.


Use VoiceConsole to pair Talkman devices with Bluetooth devices.

For Android, pair Bluetooth devices through the Android device settings.

Display Dialog X


Device Logging ü

Talkman devices provide logging details in addition to the information found in the application logs.

For Android this enables GWS application logs, not device-specific logs.

Currently any action items (for example, Device Logging) that are sent to the Android device, require a user to sign out and sign back in to take effect. This is not required for the A700x.