HSLP Common Questions and Procedures

General Licensing Questions

Who is responsible for licensing management?

The responsibility is divided between the License Administrator and VoiceConsole Administrator.

  • The License Administrator is a member of the Sold To organization. The Sold to organization is either a Honeywell partner or a direct customer of Honeywell. This person is responsible for all license tasks within the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

    • Optionally, a partner can elect to have their end customer assume this role. To do this the partner must provide the Entitlement ID to their end customer and that customer must Self-Registered User in the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

  • The VoiceConsole Administrator is a member of the Ship To organization. The Ship To organization is either a direct customer of Honeywell or a customer of a Honeywell partner. This person is responsible for all license tasks within VoiceConsole.

For a direct customer of Honeywell, the Sold To and Ship To organization is the same.

VoiceConsole SaaS Deployment Licensing

This process is summarized below. For more details see Activate License - SaaS Deployment.

  1. The License Administrator activates their account in the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

  2. The License Administrator sends the Cloud Server ID to the VoiceConsole Administrator.

  3. The VoiceConsole Administrator enters the Cloud Server ID on the VoiceConsole Configure License screen.

  4. VoiceConsole is now licensed.

VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment Licensing

This process is summarized below. For more details see Activate License - On Prem Deployment, Deactivate License (Full) - On Prem Deployment, and Deactivate License (Partial) - On Prem Deployment.

  1. The License Administrator activates their account in the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

  2. The License Administrator sends the Activation ID and available quantity to the VoiceConsole Administrator.

  3. The VoiceConsole Administrator enters the Activation ID and quantity on the VoiceConsole Activate License screen.

  4. The VoiceConsole Administrator generates the license request file and sends this file to the License Administrator.

  5. The License Administrator imports the license request file into the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

  6. The License Administrator receives the license response file and sends it to the VoiceConsole Administrator.

  7. The VoiceConsole Administrator imports the license response file on the VoiceConsole Activate License screen.

  8. VoiceConsole is now licensed.

How can I verify the Local License Server is running?

The Local License Server is used in a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

After a license has been activated, go to the Configure License screen in VoiceConsole. Click the Test Connection to Licensing Server button. If the licensing server is running, a successful message is displayed.

The test button returns an error if a license has not yet been activated. If the following error message is received "Connection test to Licensing Server failed. Ensure that license is activated or contact support if issue persists." In this case, the license manager is likely running so it OK to proceed with the license activation process.

If any other error message is displayed, check that the service is running:

  • Flexnet License Server-honeywel is the service on a Windows server.

  • flexnetls-honeywel is the service on a Linux server.

Please note the spelling of these services is with one "l".

How Can I Find My Activation ID?

There are three ways to find your activation ID.

  1. The Activation ID is listed on the licensing email.

  2. The Activation IDs for On Prem deployment licensing can be found on the List Entitlements screen. To further refine the list, use the Search Entitlements function.

  3. The Activation ID can be viewed from the View Licenses table within VoiceConsole.

How Can I Find My Cloud Server ID?

The Cloud Server ID is listed on the licensing email. If this is not available, the Cloud Server IDs for SaaS deployment licensing can be found on the Devices screen. The Cloud Server ID is found in the Name column.

To further refine the list, use the Search Devices function.

What is an Upsell License?

An Upsell license is a replacement license that adds more features, such as an upgrade from VoiceConsole_Core to VoiceConsole_Pro.

The Upsell license has a new Activation ID. The old Activation ID is now the Parent Activation ID.

To request an upsell license, you must provide your current Activation ID to Voice Customer Service. See How Can I Find My Activation ID?

VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment

Use the new Activation ID and follow the Activate License - On Prem Deployment process to access the Upsell features.

VoiceConsole SaaS Deployment

VoiceConsole automatically refreshes the license at regular intervals and displays the Upsell features after the refresh. You can also log out of VoiceConsole and back in again to view the Upsell features.

What is a Renewal License?

A Renewal license is a replacement license that extends the subscription expiration date.

The Renewal license has a new Activation ID. The old Activation ID is now the Parent Activation ID.

To request a renewal license, you must provide your current Activation ID to Voice Customer Service. See How Can I Find My Activation ID?

VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment

Use the new Activation ID and follow the Activate License - On Prem Deployment process to view the new subscription expiration date.

VoiceConsole SaaS Deployment

VoiceConsole automatically refreshes the license at regular intervals and displays the new date after the refresh. You can also log out of VoiceConsole and back in again to view the new subscription expiration date.

What is an Add On License?

An Add On license is when a user needs more licenses. For example, they have 100 licenses but now have 150 devices. They could purchase an Add On license for 50. In this case, the original Activation ID remains active for 100 devices and the new license is activated to cover the remaining 50 devices.

What is a Parent Activation ID?

If a license is an Upsell or Renewal license, the Upsell or Renewal license is a new Activation ID. The previous Activation ID (before the upsell or renewal) is now the Parent Activation ID.

What do I need to Upgrade or Renew my license?

You must request an Upgrade or Renewal license.

You need your Activation ID for the request. There are multiple ways to find the Activation ID:

  • The easiest way to find the Activation ID is to view the license table in VoiceConsole. However, if the license is fully consumed or has expired, it does not show in VoiceConsole.

  • Use the List Entitlements screen to find the Activation ID. The Search Entitlements function can be used to narrow the results.

  • Use the Devices screen to find the device by MAC ID (On Prem deployment) or Cloud Server ID) SaaS deployment. The Search Devices function can be used to narrow the results. Click on the Device Name to view the Activation ID.

Only the List Entitlements method displays both the current Activation ID and the Parent Activation ID (if any).

Find License Details

How can I identify if a license is for On Prem or SaaS deployment?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. From the List Entitlements screen, click on the Activation ID.

  3. In the Entitlement Details popup, scroll down to view the License model.

    • On Prem Licensing (LLS) - This is a license for On Prem deployment and uses the Local Licensing Server in VoiceConsole.

    • SaaS Licensing (CLS) - this is a license for SaaS deployment and uses the Cloud Licensing Server in VoiceConsole.

How can I tell if a license is permanent or subscription?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. The license type is indicated in the Expiration column.

    • If the column contains a date, the license is subscription and the date displayed is the end date for the subscription.

    • If the column contains the word Permanent, the subscription is permanent and the end date for software support can be viewed by clicking on the Activation ID. In the Entitlement Details window, scroll down to view SoftwareSupport_ContractExpiry.

When viewing the license details within HSLP, SoftwareSupport_ContractExpiry is always empty for subscription licenses. However in the license email, the license expiration date and the support contract expiration date are the same for subscription licenses.

How can I view the support expiration date?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. Select any Activation ID that shows Permanent in the Expiration column.

  3. Click on the Activation ID. In the Entitlement Details window, scroll down to view SoftwareSupport_ContractExpiry.

How can I identify which license belongs to a server?

  1. Identify the MAC address of the server. If you do not know the MAC address use an available command (such as getmac on a Windows server) to list all MAC addresses for the server.

  2. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Devices > Devices.

  3. On the right side, select Device ID from the pulldown list.

  4. In the text box to the right, enter all or part of the MAC address. Enter only the hexadecimal characters of the MAC address and no separators (-) or (:). The server may have multiple MAC addresses. Start with the first listed and try each one until results are displayed.

  5. Click on Search.

  6. If nothing is displayed, repeat for any additional MAC addresses for the server.

License Quantity Questions

Why is the available quantity zero for an Activation ID in HSLP?

VoiceConsole SaaS Deployments

The available quantify is always zero within the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal for a VoiceConsole SaaS deployment (Cloud Licensing). Refer to the View Licenses table within VoiceConsole to see how many copies of the license remain available.

The copies consumed can be determined by subtracting the copies available (Feature Count) in the View Licenses table within VoiceConsole from the Total Quantity displayed in the List Entitlements column in HSLP.

VoiceConsole On Prem Deployments

The available quantity is zero if all copies of the license are activated on one or more Local Licensing Servers.

You can determine which servers have activated the license by following How can I find the server where an Activation ID is used?

If a license was either fully or partially deactivated, but that is not reflected in the Available Quantity, see Why are the returned (deactivated) licenses not reflected?

The copies consumed can be determined by subtracting the copies available (Feature Count) in the View Licenses table within VoiceConsole plus the Available Quantity displayed in the List Entitlements column in HSLP from the Total Quantity. This assumes the Activation was only used on one server.

Why are the returned (deactivated) licenses not reflected?

When a license is fully or partially deactivated (returned) from within VoiceConsole it requires an extra step to free up those licenses within the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal. The process is highlighted below.

  1. Generate request in VoiceConsole and upload request in HSLP.

  2. Download response and import into VoiceConsole. At this time, VoiceConsole reflects the license deactivation but HSLP does not.

  3. Generate a second request in VoiceConsole and upload request in HSLP. Now HSLP reflects the deactivation (return).

See Deactivate License (Full) or Deactivate License (Partial) for more information.

Why does VoiceConsole show no licenses available?

There are several reasons VoiceConsole may show no licenses available in the View Licenses table.

  • All copies of the license may be consumed. VoiceConsole only displays available copies of the license.

  • The license may not yet be valid. VoiceConsole does not display licenses that have a future start date.

  • The license may have expired. VoiceConsole does not display licenses that have a past end date.

  • An error may have been made during the license request process (On Prem deployments). If the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal indicated an error (such as an invalid Activation ID or incorrect quantity) and this error was ignored, VoiceConsole still reports the license response import as a success though no copies are activated.

In any of these cases, the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal can be accessed to verify the license details. See How can I filter by Activation ID? to search for the Activation ID.

How can I activate more (or fewer) licenses?

This section only applies to an On Prem deployment. In a SaaS deployment, all licenses under the ID are always activated.

To activate more licenses, repeat the Activate License - On Prem Deployment and request a larger number of licenses than are currently activated.

  • The new request replaces any previous request. It does not add to the previous request. If 25 copies of the license were activated previously and you now request 35 the total available is 35 (not 60).

  • The new activation request must be for more than the currently activated copies and cannot exceed the total available within the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.

To activate fewer licenses, you must follow the Deactivate License (Partial) - On Prem Deployment procedure.

  • The new request replaces any previous request. It does not add to or subtract from the previous request. If 35 copies of the license were activated previously and you now request 25 the total available is 25 (and 10 copies were deactivated).

  • The new activation request must be for a minimum of one and less than the currently activated amount. If you need to deactivate all copies, use Deactivate License (Full) - On Prem Deployment.

I'm a partner and need to move licenses between sites

In this case, site means different Ship To locations, not to be confused with a site defined within VoiceConsole.

How this is handled depends on how the license was set up.

Partner has one Ship To (Entitlement ID) for different sites

In this case the same Activation ID (On Prem deployment with local licensing) or Cloud Server ID (SaaS deployment with cloud server licensing) can be shared across the multiple partner sites. There is no need to "move" a license as all licenses belong to the same Ship To account.

Partner has separate Ship To (Entitlement ID) for each site

In this case, licenses cannot be "moved" from one Ship To account to another.

  • In SaaS deployments (cloud server licensing) the unused licenses at Site A cannot be used at Site B.

  • In On Prem deployments (local licensing) if there are unused licenses at Site A, these licenses could be activated at Site B.

    For example, if the entitlement contains 100 licenses and Site A has only activated 70, the unused 30 licenses could be activated by Site B by using Site A's activation ID. The License Activation process must be completed for each site and the total activated between the multiple sites cannot exceed the license total.

Search License Details

How can I search for a license by customer?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. In the filter pulldown list, select:

    • Sold-to display name - this is the name of the customer (sold-to) it is the portion displayed in the parentheses. Example 12345678 (ABC corp) - ABC corp is the sold-to display name.

    • Sold-to ID - this is the ID of the customer (sold-to) it is the portion displayed before the name which is in parentheses. Example 12345678 (ABC corp) - 12345678 is the sold-to ID.

  3. Select the desired search type: Contains, Equals, Starts With, Ends With.

  4. Enter the search string in the text box.

  5. Click the magnifying glass icon to search.

  6. The results are displayed.

How can I filter the device (server) list by other criteria?

There are several options available from the devices list. Refer to Search Devices for available options.

How can I search by a purchase order?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. On the right side of the screen select Advanced Search.

  3. The Entitlements Advanced Search window opens.

  4. Scroll down to Custom Attributes.

  5. Select PO Number from the pulldown list.

  6. Select the search criteria: Contains, Equals, Starts With, Ends With.

  7. Enter all or part of the PO number.

  8. Click Search.

  9. The results are displayed.

How can I filter by Activation ID?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Activations & Entitlements > List Entitlements.

  2. In the filter pulldown list, select Activation ID.

  3. Select the desired search type: Contains, Equals, Starts With, Ends With.

  4. Enter the search string in the text box.

  5. Click the magnifying glass icon to search.

  6. The results are displayed.

How can I find the server where an Activation ID is used?

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Devices > Devices.

  2. On the right side, select Activation ID from the pulldown list.

  3. In the text box to the right, enter all or part of the Activation ID.

  4. Click on Search.

  5. The results are displayed.

How can I find the voice devices connected to a server?

This is available only for SaaS deployments.

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Devices > Devices.

  2. To find the desired server, either click the filter icon and filter by Cloud License Server or use the server ID to search.

  3. Select the desired server.

  4. From the View pulldown select View served devices.

  5. The results are displayed.

How can I find the server to which a voice device is connected?

This is available only for SaaS deployments.

  1. From the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal, select Devices > Devices.

  2. Click the filter icon and filter by Served Devices.

  3. To further refine the list, select Device Name from the pulldown.

  4. Select the desired search type: Contains, Equals, Starts With, Ends With.

  5. Enter the search string in the text box.

  6. Click Search.

  7. The search results are displayed.

  8. Click on the desired device name.

  9. The details for the voice device are displayed, including the associated License Server ID.

How can I search entitlements?

There are several options available from the entitlements list. Refer to Search Entitlements for available options.