Plan Your VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment Installation

This section of online help applies only to VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers.

If you are a VoiceConsole SaaS deployment customer, see Plan Your VoiceConsole SaaS Implentation.

VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is designed to integrate with and support various IT infrastructures, databases, and operating systems. This section is designed to help you to understand the various implementation options available with VoiceConsole On Prem deployment and the best practices in planning an implementation.

Depending on your system configuration, the hardware and software requirements may vary. See VoiceConsole System Requirements for more information.

Single Site or Multiple Site Architecture Mode

VoiceConsole On Prem deployment installation offers two architecture modes:

  • Single-site mode, where a separate instance of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is installed at each voice-enabled site.
  • Multi-site mode, where a single instance of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is used to manage the voice system components at multiple sites.

Decentralized Architecture (Single-Site Mode)

A distribution center with multiple sites may want to use a single-site implementation, installing a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment server at each site where voice is supported.

Decentralized Architecture

Centralized Architecture (Multi-Site Mode)

VoiceConsole On Prem deployment can also be implemented in a centralized architecture, or multi-site mode, where one instance of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is used to manage the voice system components at multiple sites. In this scenario, the database and application are installed at a single site, and that installation is used to manage one or more remote sites. See Manage Multiple Sites for more information on the benefits and limitations of this configuration.

Centralized Architecture

Single-Server Implementations with VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment and VoiceLink

When installing this version of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment along with VoiceLink 3.0 or newer, use a different database for VoiceConsole On Prem deployment than what you are using for VoiceLink. Refer to the VoiceLink Implementation Guide for VoiceLink system requirements.

VoiceLink and VoiceConsole On Prem deployment can be installed on the same server, in any order, but cannot share the same database. However, the database information for the first application installed can often make it easier to install the second application.

The two applications do require separate installations of Apache Tomcat and must be configured to use separate TCP/IP communication ports to avoid port conflicts. Honeywell recommends that the first installed application be running when the second is installed so that ports in use can be detected.

Linux Installation

By default, when installing with Linux the installer must be run as root.