User Security

Application security is based on users and the roles given to each user. "Users" are people who log into the application. Each user must have a unique username (and a unique email address for a VoiceConsole SaaS deployment) and must enter the correct password to log into the application. A user must be granted at least one role. "User roles" define what functions a user can perform while viewing the application. Some users may be able to view, edit, and create data, while others may only be able to view data.

The following three roles are installed with the application:

  • Administrator: granted full access to all administrative and general features in the application
  • Read-only: granted read-only access to features (not granted access to any features that modify the system)

The following two users are installed with the application:

  • admin
  • vocollect

These default user accounts are not used with a VoiceConsole SaaS deployment.

You can either use the default roles and users, or create your own roles and users based on how you want to set up your application security. When setting up application security, consider the following:

  • Honeywell recommends not creating too many roles because it may be difficult to manage.
  • Determine roles based on groups of users that perform the same functions, and name your roles according to those user groups. For example, your shift managers may perform the same functions. Create a role called "ShiftManagers", and grant the appropriate rights to that role. Then, it is simple to determine which role to grant to users who are shift managers. And in the future, this also makes it simple to determine which role to grant a user who has been newly hired or promoted to a shift manager position.
  • User accounts are locked after a set number of incorrect login attempts. Once an account is locked, a user can wait for the timeout to expire or an administrator can unlock the account.

If you add a new role or change role privileges in a clustered implementation, you must restart VoiceConsole services in the cluster for that information to be updated in all of the systems.