VoiceConsole Licensing

Honeywell provides licensing that lets you run the software according to your purchase agreement.

License Term

Licensing for VoiceConsole is available as:

  • Perpetual licensing for VoiceConsoleOn Prem deployment
  • Subscription licensing for VoiceConsoleOn Prem deployment or VoiceConsoleSaaS deployment

License Delivery

Licensing delivery is handled by one of two methods. For more information on selecting and using the licensing methods, see License Administration.

Honeywell Software Licensing Portal

The Honeywell Software Licensing Portal is used to handle the licensing.

  • For VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers, Local Licensing is used, meaning a licensing component is installed with VoiceConsole and the licenses must be activated and deactivated via the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal.
  • By default, only partners and direct customers have access to the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal. If you purchased VoiceConsole through a partner, the partner provides the licensing information to their customers. The partner may choose to provide portal access to their customers.

  • For VoiceConsole SaaS deployment customers, Cloud Licensing is used. The Honeywell Software Licensing Portal is contacted to verify the license in real time.

Legacy Licensing

Honeywell generates and provides a license file to be imported into VoiceConsole.

Legacy licensing is deprecated for VoiceConsole 6.2 and later.

  • For VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers, the customer must import the license into VoiceConsole.
  • For VoiceConsole SaaS deployment Honeywell imports the original license. Additional licenses may be imported by Honeywell or the customer.

Advantages of the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal

Legacy licensing focuses on device type (A700x, A700, A500) and features (Pick Up & Go, TTS, etc.). The legacy license is specific in what is supported via the license and the license is only available on the specific server used to import the license.

Cloud and Local licensing through the Honeywell Software Licensing Portal is a higher level licensing and adds flexibility to the licensing deployment:

  • Rather than licensing 100 A700x devices and 50 A500 devices as would be done with Legacy licensing, this method issues 150 licenses that could be used by any supported device type.
  • Users can split the license among different servers. A license for 200 devices could be split between two servers by using the Activation ID to request and activate 150 copies of the license on one server and then activate the remaining 50 copies on a second server. If needs change, unused licenses can be deactivated on one server. Later these licenses can be activated on another server.
  • Ramp ups (an increase in licenses over time, for example adding operators monthly to build capacity) and seasonal operators (licenses active for a period of three months for example) can be handled by adding additional Activation IDs with a corresponding subscription beginning and end.

License Architecture

VoiceConsole 6.1 and later uses a new application-level licensing architecture. VoiceConsole 5.x and earlier used hardware-type licensing which prevented the ability to use multiple device types with the same license.

Application Types

It is important to distinguish between the two types of applications that may be used with VoiceConsole.

  • DevKit based applications are built from the DevKit 1.15 or later environment and may be referred to as Guided Work Solutions or branded for a specific solution such as a WMS. These applications run on multiple device types including A700x and Android devices.
  • Directed work applications are built from TaskBuilder and VoiceArtisan. These applications run on A500, A700, and A700x.

VoiceConsole 6.x License Support

VoiceConsole 6.1 introduced application-level licensing. Application-level licensing used with VoiceConsole supports both DevKit based and directed work applications:

  • DevKit based applications are licensed through VoiceConsole. The license to run DevKit based applications is separate from the license to develop applications with DevKit. A separate license may be required for GWS Connector. The application is licensed with VoiceConsole 6.x. This allows any supported device to use the license. VoiceConsole 5.x licensed the device, so a different device required a new license.
  • Honeywell continues to support TaskBuilder and VoiceArtisan based (directed work) solutions for A500, A700, and A700x. A DevKit based license is required to support these devices and applications on VoiceConsole 6.1 and later, even if the customer is not currently using a DevKit based application. Also, note that A500 and A700 are supported only in VoiceConsole On Prem deployments.

Customers without a DevKit based license can continue using VoiceConsole 5.x where prior VoiceConsole and VoiceCatalyst product licenses are still valid.

Honeywell recommends that customers using DevKit based applications upgrade to VoiceConsole 6.2.1 to avoid potential compatibility problems with future software releases.

Available features may depend on licensing tier. Contact your customer service representative for details.

Application Type
DevKit Based Directed
Honeywell Software Licensing Portal Available Requires DevKit based license
VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment Available Requires DevKit based license for VoiceConsole 6.1 or later, without DevKit based license must use VoiceConsole 5.x
VoiceConsole SaaS Deployment Available A700x only, requires DevKit based license
Operational Intelligence Asset Insights Available A700x only, requires DevKit based license
Performance+ for GWS Workflow Insights Requires GWS Connector Not available
Log Analyzer Available Not available

Available features may depend on licensing tier. Contact your customer service representative for details.

You must have a valid license before you can load device profiles, operators, or task packages onto devices. The license must also support the total number of devices connecting to VoiceConsole, not the number of devices per site. That is, you only need one license to cover all of your sites, but that license must support the total of all devices at all of the sites. If you need to add more devices, contact Honeywell Customer Service.

For VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers, if you are installing into a clustered environment, you need to know both the number of devices and the number of nodes into which you are installing. You need to import the license into each installation of VoiceConsole on each node.

Licenses for VoiceConsole SaaS deployment customers are applied by Honeywell before deployment. A new license can later be applied by Honeywell or the customer. When a new VoiceConsole SaaS deployment license is applied, it may take up to 10 minutes for the new license to be synced.

See also: License Administration