System Configuration
This page displays system configurations that apply to the entire installation of VoiceConsole across sites.
From the System Configuration Actions list in the navigation bar, you can edit the system configuration (See Edit System Configuration).
Field Definitions
Outgoing SMTP Host
SMTP host name. This is required to enable the application to email notifications to specified users.
Requires Authentication
Check if the SMTP host requires authentication. If checked, you are prompted to enter the following:
- SMTP User Name: Enter the user name to log into the SMTP host.
- SMTP Password: Enter the password associated to the SMTP user name.
- Verify Password: Re-enter the password associated to the SMTP user name.
User Authentication
User Authentication applies only to VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers.
If you want users to log into the application with an application-specific password, do not check this option. If this option is unchecked, you must ensure that a password is entered for each user's record.
If you check this option, users can log into the application using their directory server password. The following check boxes and fields are used for this feature.
- To configure for SSL, do the following:
- Enable the Authenticate users against directory server check box.
- Enable the Use SSL check box.
- From the View Trusted Certificates link in the left navigation area, you can:
- Locate and select the new certificate for the directory server
- View or add entries to the VoiceConsole keystore
- Click Add Certificate.
- Host: Enter the hostname or IP address of the directory server.
- Port: Enter the port of the server for the secure connections.
- Search User Distinguished Name:Enter the components that identify the location of the entry at which the connection is authenticated (for more information, consult the administrator of your SSL server).
- Search User Password and Verify Password are the password values for the user.
- Search Base is the point where the server begins a search for the user or distinguished name in the SSL.
- Searchable Attribute is the attribute that is used to locate and identify the user in SSL.
- Test Directory Server Connection Information: This button tests the connection with an existing user connected to the SSL server.
- Test User Name is the user testing the connection.
When the connection is made, the Successfully connected to the directory server message appears.
Purging/Archiving Data
On the System Configuration page, you can specify the amount of time that specific data remains in the system before the scheduled Purge/Archive process purges or archives it.
For data that has a Status of Enabled or Disabled, you can specify when the data should be purged/archived. Purging the data removes them from the system completely. This data can no longer be viewed in the application.
Transactional purging/archiving defaults are as follows:
Data to Be Purged | Purge After |
Inactive Action Items | 14 days |
Defective Messages | 14 days |
Closed Device Logs | 14 days |
Audit | 90 days for VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment 30 days for VoiceConsole SaaS Deployment |
Job Histories | 7 days |
Notifications | 7 days |
As VoiceConsole databases do not use archive tables, the Purge Archive Data column is ignored.
Other Configuration
Days Before Battery Not In Use Notification:
The number of days the battery can remain unused before a notification is generated.
The default is 30 days.
Battery Health Notification Frequency
The interval in days between battery health notifications.
The default is 30 days.
Disable Inactive Users After (Days)
Specifies the number of days a user may remain inactive before the account is automatically disabled. Set to 0 if the limit should not be not enforced.
The default is 35 days for a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.
The default is 0 days (disabled) for a VoiceConsole SaaSdeployment.
For On Prem deployments: If all accounts are disabled, enable one account via <SQL>. Then log in, and re-enable the remaining accounts via the VoiceConsole user interface.
Honeywell does not recommend manipulating the code in the SQL database to update this parameter. However, if it becomes necessary to do so, use the following sample code:UPDATE VOC_USER SET ENABLED = 1 WHERE NAME = 'admin'
Purge Device Logs Older than (Days)
This parameter applies to VoiceConsole SaaS deployments only.
Specifies the number of days device logs are to be kept. This can be set from 7 to 15 days.
The default is 8 days.
Allow Restart Logging After Device Logging Stops
This section applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.
This parameter determines if the restart start logging after logging stops option is available from the Edit Device page and associated logging popup options.
The default is Enabled (the option to restart logging is displayed).
Maximum Simultaneous Logging Devices Allowed
The number of devices allowed to log simultaneously.
For VoiceConsole On Prem deployment: The default is 10 devices. If performance is affected, this number should be lowered.
For VoiceConsole SaaS deployment: The default is 10 devices. The range is 0 to 10.
Add DefaultDate Parameter to Device Profile During Load
When enabled, the DefaultDate field is automatically inserted in the device profile (VRG file) or the device configuration (CCI file) and set to the current date when loaded to a device. This can eliminate certificate failures from a device that does not have the correct date set.
The default is Enabled.
Audit Admin Email Addresses
Enter the email addresses where notices are to be sent for Audit events. Separate multiple email addresses by a comma.
Maximum Device Profile Load Allowed
The number of devices that can simultaneously load profiles.
For VoiceConsole On Prem deployment: The default is 30 devices. . If performance is affected, this number should be lowered.
For VoiceConsole SaaS deployment:. The default is 30 devices. The range is 0 to 50.
Operator ID Field Type
Default does not allow special characters. This is the default value.
Extended (formerly email) allows the use of characters such as period (.) and at symbol (@) but does not verify the entry is in an email address format.
Email Address indicates the Operator ID is an email address and is checked to be an RFC compliant address.
Use the Email and Extended settings with caution. Not all components of the solution may support this.
Task Package - Advanced Settings Type
Default does not allow special characters. This is the default value.
GWS Connector Embedded Mode used with devices that support GWS Connector Embedded Mode., otherwise the value is Default. This option allows special characters such as s ‘\’, ‘/’, ‘:’, ‘=’, ‘.’ to be used in the Advance Settings field without encoding these values. For more information, refer to documentation provided with the GWS Connector.
Use the GWS Connector Embedded Mode setting with caution. Not all devices may support embedded mode.