Running the Installation Program

This section covers how to install the Honeywell applications using the installation user interface.

To avoid potential issues, Honeywell recommends installing VoiceCheck directly from a local drive or from the distribution media. If the application is installed from a shared network drive, you may experience interruptions and failures.

  • Close all other applications before installing
  • When installing on Windows, run the installer as an administrator.
  • If installing from a product DVD, navigate to and run install.exe.


The installation begins with an introduction screen.

Click Next.

License Agreement

Review and accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.

Select Installation Path

Click Next to install to the default path or, if necessary, browse to the desired installation path and click Next.

Software to Install

Click Next to start copying the required software files.

Copying Software

During this step, VoiceCheck software files copy to the installation path. When the copy process is finished, click Next.

Cluster Configuration

Cluster Configuration Details

Select No to continue a standard installation.

Select Yes if you want this installation to be part of a clustered environment. Specify a folder location for shared storage, then click Next. See Installing into a Clustered Environment for more information.

Load Balanced Environment Details

Check this option if you want to set up a load balanced environment.

The primary node must be installed first. For important additional load balancing installation information see Installing into a Load Balancing Environment.

If using load balancing, indicate if this installation is the primary node and identify the shared storage location then click Next.

Shared Storage

You must enter a full UNC path, including the application server hostname, to the shared storage location during a cluster installation. Do not reference a mapped drive or relative path.

SSO Configuration

If using SSO, complete this screen. For additional information, see SSO Configuration.

Configuration and Installation

This page contains three tabs for configuring your implementation of VoiceCheck.

  1. Click the Tomcat Server Configuration tab.
  2. Enter the appropriate information for your Tomcat server.
    FieldDescription and Required Action
    Tomcat Login

    Choose an account and enter the account username and password, if necessary.

    In Windows, if you select Use Existing Account, ensure the account entered has the necessary permissions:

    • Read permission to the directory from which the installation program is being run
    • Log on as a service rights and permissions (refer to for setup information).
    • Write permissions to all paths provided during installation for the install folder, log files directory, application files location
    • Write permissions to the shared drive for a clustered install (if applicable)

    If you want to use NT authentication for SQL Server databases for a Windows installation, you must use an existing account.

    Tomcat PathConfirm the default path to the location where log files will be stored or, if necessary, browse to the desired path. Log files track user activities in the VoiceCheck application.
    Tomcat PortConfirm the default ports the application server will use, or, if necessary, enter different ports.
  3. Click the Database Configuration tab.
  4. Enter the appropriate information for your database.
    Microsoft SQL Server
    Data HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database.
    Database PortThe port that the database uses. Valid entry must be an integer between 1 and 65535. The default port for SQL Server is 1433.
    Database NameThe name of the database.
    JDBC URL (Advanced Settings only)The JDBC URL for the database. Valid entry format:


    DatabaseName=<database name>

    Authentication Type

    (for Windows installs only where an existing user was specified for the Tomcat Server configuration)

    The authentication type used to connect to the database. If installing on Windows and an existing user was specified for the Tomcat Service configuration, select to use NT Authentication. Otherwise, select SQL Server Authentication.

    Database UsernameThe username that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication.
    Database PasswordThe password of the user that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication.
    Database schemaThe database schema you are using.
    Oracle Database
    Data HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database.
    Database PortThe port that the database uses. Valid entry must be an integer between 1 and 65535. The default port for Oracle is 1521.
    SIDThe SID of the Oracle database.
    JDBC URL (Advanced Settings only)The JDBC URL for the database. Valid entry format: jdbc:oracle:think:@<host>:<port>:<database name>
    Database UsernameThe username that the application should use to log into the database.
    Database PasswordThe password of the user that the application should use to log into the database.
  5. Click the VoiceCheck Configuration tab.
  6. In the Storage Directory field, keep the default VoiceCheck installation path or browse to a different location. The storage directory must have sufficient space to store multiple VoiceNotes and photo files.
  7. Check the Enable HTTPS Support checkbox if you want to enable secure HTTPS on all pages of VoiceCheck.
    1. Enter or browse to your HTTPS certificate Keystore Location.
    2. Enter your Keystore Password and Keystore Alias.
  8. Click Install Now.
  9. When the initial VoiceCheck installation completes, click OK.

Setup Shortcuts

If desired, select the Start menu program group in which to place the VoiceCheck shortcut, or edit the path of the shortcut. Then click Next.

If you do not want a VoiceCheck shortcut on the Start menu, clear the Create shortcut in the Start menu checkbox. A shortcut to VoiceCheck is placed on the desktop after the installation process completes.

Installation Complete

When the installation is complete, a success message displays with information about the uninstaller program.

If desired, click the Generate script button to generate an .xml file containing your installation selections. Use this script to perform additional silent installations.

Click Done to exit the installation program. The VoiceCheck application should open automatically in your supported browser.

HTTPS Installation Not Running

If you enabled HTTPS support during the installation and VoiceCheck does not start up properly, check your HTTPS certificate keystore information and correct the values in the Tomcat server as needed. See Configuring Tomcat with Keystore Information for instructions on manually editing the keystore fields.

Configure Photos URL

The installer does not ask for a host name during installation, so the name "localhost" is used for the hostname. If the URL used to connect to VoiceCheck is http://localhost:9070/VoiceCheck the exported URL for photos uses localhost rather than the server name or server IP address.

To reconfigure the URL to use the server name or IP address, open the file located at C:\Program Files\Vocollect\VoiceCheck\tomcat\webapps\VoiceCheck\WEB-INF\classes\, which is the default installation location. The file should look like this:


Change to<your IP address or DNS host name>.

Storage of Database Passwords 

The installation program stores the file in the target installation folder. This file includes the database password and username that the application uses to log into the database (unless you are using SQL Server with NT Authentication). While the passwords in this file are encrypted, this file is a plain text file that can be read by any text editor. Therefore, if you want to secure this file, follow the appropriate steps to secure it with file permissions.

Related Topics

VoiceCheck Installation