VoiceCheck Installation

This section covers actions you must take, information you need before you install the system, and steps on how to install the system.

Before You Install VoiceCheck

Take these required actions and gather the required resources before running the VoiceCheck installer.

Required Security Privileges

To successfully run the installer, the user must have Local Administrator privileges for the machine.

Virus Protection Software and Other Programs

Disable any virus protection software and exit all programs before starting the VoiceCheck installation.

Database Installation

If one is not already available, install a supported database platform.

Create a blank VoiceCheck database and a user with create, read, and write permissions to the database. When you run the installer in the next step, the database schema will be created automatically.

When creating the database, keep the following in mind:

  • Spaces and characters — Do not use spaces in the database name. Also avoid using special characters.

Spaces and special characters can result in creating an invalid JDBC URL.

  • TCP/IP protocol — Enable TCP/IP. The process to do this differs by database. Note that you most likely will have to restart the database service after making this change.
  • Collation and accent methods — Use the proper database collation (sorting method) for the language in use, and append “_CI” and “_AI” as needed to the database collation name. To add both parameters for SQL Server, append “_CI_AI.” For Oracle, “_AI” also includes a case-insensitive sort.

    If the SQL Server or Oracle database collation is not set to be case insensitive (CI), VoiceCheck may not work properly. Similarly, an accent-insensitive (AI) sort may be required for a specific language.

  • Database size — Use the defaults for the initial database size.
  • Maintenance — Plan and run regular backups, maintain the size of the transaction log, and rebuild indexes periodically.

Microsoft SQL Server

  • If you create a new login for SQL Server, that login must have dbOwner privileges. dbOwner privileges are required to run the application after installation.


  • In Oracle, ensure you are using the AL32UTF8 character set for non-English versions of VoiceCheck.
  • Permissions — The database user that VoiceCheck will use must be granted the connect and resource roles. The user also needs permissions to create tables, sequences, and views.

Browser Configuration

Prior to installation, your browser must be configured properly. Regardless of which browser you are using, you must configure it to enable the application to work correctly and provide security.

  • The browser must be set to reload the page at each visit.
  • JavaScript must be enabled.
  • The browser must be configured to accept cookies.
  • The browser must be set to open new pages in a new tab or window.

These browser settings are typically accessed by selecting Tools > (Internet) Options.

Information and Resources Required for Installation

  • The VoiceCheck contents of your Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution DVD.
  • The directory where the installation program should install the VoiceCheck folders.
  • On Windows systems, the default is C:\Program Files\Vocollect\VoiceCheck
  • The hostname of the machine on which VoiceCheck will be installed.
  • The port that the Web Application should use. The default is 9070.
  • The database information for the type of database server used.
  • A valid HTTPS certificate for the VoiceCheck server if you plan to use encryption in data communications.
  • When you install VoiceCheck, the following components are also installed on the server.
    • Apache Tomcat 8.5.24
    • Java JRE 1.8
    • VoiceCheck Web Application
    • VoiceCheck Online Help
  • When you install VoiceCheck for the first time, two users are created with default passwords:
    • User = admin; password = admin
    • User = vocollect; password = voiceworks

Related Topics

Running the Installation Program