Step Responses
Speaking numbers
- Say "point" for a decimal place
- Say "zero" instead of "oh"
- Say "two six" for 26 instead of "twenty-six"
- Say "one and five eighths" for 1⅝
- Say "two even" when a fraction is expected
- Say "zero four"..."one five"..."one six" for 04/15/2016
- If no device response, say "ready" after number
Speaking long numbers
Example: Serial number 123456-789
Device: "enter serial number"
You: "one two three" (pause)
Device: "1 2 3"
You: "four five six" (pause)
Device: "4 5 6"
You: "dash seven eight nine, ready"
Device: "1 2 3 4 5 6 - 7 8 9, correct?"
You: "yes"
Correcting mistakes
You: "four five seven" (pause)
Device: "4 5 7"
You: "no"
Device: (returns to last entry) "1 2 3"
You: "four five six" (pause)
Device: "4 5 6"
You: repeat "no" as needed to go all the way back
Device: "Enter serial number"
Picking from a list
Say all applicable list items
If no device response, say "no more" to exit list
Say "options" to hear the list items one by one
Say "yes" or "no" after each item OR speak the name of the item (English only)
Say "no more" to stop selecting
Say "additional commands" to hear the list of all available responses and commands
View the list on screen
Say "(number of item)"
Repeat for each applicable answer
Then say "no more" to stop entry
Say "Review all" to select from the list of all remaining (unprocessed) parts.
Entering Parts
The parts section of the application begin when all steps in a section have been completed or skipped. A part is similar to a section and is a set of steps that are grouped together. Use the same commands, including "Skip Step", "Skip Section", "Undo Last Entry", and "Does Not Apply," just like when working in a normal section.
Device: "part number?"
You: (say two or more consecutive digits—not letters)
Device: (lists first match for part name)
You: (say yes or no to confirm part name)
Device: (lists first match for P/N)
You: (say yes or no to confirm P/N)
Device: (if no matches) "enter part number"
You: (say part number) or tap on the entry field to enter a different part number