System Configuration
This page displays system configurations that apply to the entire installation of VoiceCheck across sites.
From the System Configuration Actions list in the navigation bar, edit the system configuration.
Editing System Configuration Properties
- Navigate to Administration > System Configuration page.
- Click the Edit System Configuration action link.
- Modify the editable fields as needed, and click Save changes.
Field Definitions
SMTP Configuration
- Outgoing SMTP Host: SMTP host name. This is required to enable the application to email notifications to specified users.
- Requires Authentication: Check if the SMTP host requires authentication. If checked, you will be prompted to enter the following:
- SMTP User Name: Enter the user name to log into the SMTP host.
- SMTP Password: Enter the password associated to the SMTP user name.
- Verify Password: Re-enter the password associated to the SMTP user name.
User Authentication
This section is not displayed when SSO authentication is enabled.
If you want users to log into the application with an application-specific password, do not check this option. If this option is unchecked, you must ensure that a password is entered for each user's record.
If you check this option, users can log into the application using their directory server password. When checked the following fields are displayed to facilitate this feature:
- Host: Enter the hostname or IP address of the directory server.
- Port: Enter the port on which the directory server is listening for connections.
- Search User Distinguished Name/Password: Enter the username and password of a trusted user who has search permission on the directory server. This is not required because many LDAP servers support anonymous directory server binding.
- Search Base: Enter the location within the directory server to begin a user search.
- Searchable Attribute: Enter the attribute on the directory server that maps to the username of a user entered in the application. This may be uid, sn, or another attribute, depending on the directory server setup.
Post Assignment Results Web Service Settings
The connection parameters used to send results from VoiceCheck to the host system.
- Service Endpoint: Enter the URL for the web service endpoint for services provided by the host system. This is a required field.
- Client Type: Choose REST or SOAP web services for all data transmission between VoiceCheck to the host system.
- Export to Interface: Check this option if you want results data exported to flat, interface tables that can be queried for reporting purposes.
- Requires Authentication: Check this option if access to the service endpoint requires a username and password, then supply the credentials in the appropriate fields.
- User: Enter the user name.
- Password: Enter the password associated to the user name.
- Confirm Password: Re-enter the password associated to the user name.
Transcription Server Settings
The transcription service endpoints for transcribing VoiceNotes and memos.
Enter one or more URLs for the REST web service endpoints. Type each URL on a separate line. The connection can either be secured by a certificate (HTTPS) installed on the transcription engine server, or not secured (HTTP).
If this field is left blank, VoiceCheck will use the integrated transcription service.
Android Settings
- OpAcuity URL: URL to proxy server for Operational Acuity data collection.
- Use Operational Acuity: Mode that enables Operational Acuity data collection.
- Allow Multiple Assignments: Mode that enables work on multiple assignments. Default is off.
Export Settings
- Allow Auto Export: Check the box to post results to the Host system as soon as an assignment is completed. Uncheck the box to require the user to submit assignments manually.
- Click Manage exports from the VoiceCheck tab to stop or start exporting. Exporting starts upon server reboot.
- Export mode: Choose PUSH or PULL from the drop-down box. PUSH assignment exports send data to the host system when assignment data is ready. PULL assignment exports allow the host system to call the server to get the data. There are three REST web services available to PULL data from assignment exports, Web services are used to send transactional data between the host system and Honeywell VoiceCheck. VoiceCheck supports both SOAP and REST web services. These services provide the import and export functionality for the VoiceCheck system. .
Password Expiration Settings
This section is not displayed when SSO authentication is enabled.
- Maximum Password Age (Days): The maximum number of days before a password expires.
- Notification (Days): The number of days before password expiration to provide notification that password must be updated.
Entering 0 for either parameter value disables that parameter.
Purging Data
Specify the amount of time that specific data remains in the system before the scheduled job will purge it. This group of rules affects the frequency of purging data for assignments, VoiceNotes, memos, photos, notifications, reporting data, and scheduler history.
Purging data that has or has not been exported to the host system depends on the associated assignments. Photos, VoiceNotes, and memos will not be purged if their assignments are still in the VoiceCheck system. Additionally, if the photos purge is set to less than one day, the purge will default to one day to allow time for photos to be associated with assignments that are in progress.
System performance may degrade if you set this parameter to allow data to age more than 90 days before it is purged.
The VoiceCheck system currently only supports transactional data—data that is currently viewed in the GUI—and flat data tables for reporting. Purging this data removes the data from the system completely. This data can no longer be viewed in the application.
Purging/Archiving Data
The schedule that specifies when data is purged or archived is specified on the Schedules page.
On the System Configuration page, specify the amount of time that specific data remains in the system before the scheduled Purge/Archive process will purge or archive it. This group of rules contains the specific rules that affect the frequency of archiving and purging data for Inactive Action Items, Device Messages, Closed Device Logs.
For transactional data, data that is currently viewed in the application tables, that has a Status of Enabled or Disabled, specify when the transactional data should be purged. Purging the transactional data removes them from the system completely. This data can no longer be viewed in the application.