Release Notes

What's New in the 3.0 Release

Support has been added for the SRX3 wireless headset.

Known Issues

The following are known issues in this release.

Serial Number and/or Version "unknown"

After headset upgrade, serial number is "unknown" and/or version is "unknown" or an older version.

Workaround: Click the Scan button to rescan for connected devices. When the scan completes the headset displays the correct serial number and version number.

VVCAT-1995, VVCAT-2009

Number of Connected Devices is Incorrect

The number of connected devices may not be correctly reflected in some circumstances or some devices may show as unknown. This can occur if devices are disconnected while the PC running HAUU is sleeping.

Workaround: Click the Scan button to rescan. The correct list of devices is shown.


Error Messages During Installation

Error message is displayed during HAUU installation: "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue." or "An error occurred attempting to install Honeywell Accessory Update Utility."

Workaround: Uninstall the previous version of HAUU from the Microsoft Windows Control Panel and then install the new version of HAUU.
If the install still fails:
1. Open Windows Task Manager.
2. Select Details.
3. Select misexec.exe.
4. Click End task.
5. Install the new version of HAUU.


Status is Failed after Headset Unplugged During Update

If a headset is unplugged or disturbed during a software update, the status is "failed", the serial number is "unknown" and the version is "unknown" or "0.01".

Workaround: Load the software again.


Application Closes Unexpectedly

The HAUU may close unexpectedly when updating firmware for an SRX3 headset and an SRX2/SRX3 battery charger simultaneously.

Workaround: Upgrade the SRX3 headset firmware and the SRX2/SRX3 battery charger firmware separately.
