Features of the Accessory Update Utility

Click the Scan button to display all connected devices.

Click the Update button to upgrade software on all displayed devices at the same time.

Click the Select Software button to locate and set update files.

Click the About button for application information.

Type Indicates if the device is a headset or charger.

Serial Number Indicates the serial number of a headset. Charger serial numbers are not displayed.

Current Software Indicates the version number of the software currently installed on the device.

Update Now Click the Update icon associated with a single device to start the software update on that device.

State Indicates the status of the software update on the device. The states displayed may vary by device type.

  • Started: Device initialization started
  • Reconfigure: Device initialization is in progress
  • Rebooting: Device is rebooting.
  • Download / Downloading: Software download is in progress
  • Verifying: Software verification is in progress.
  • Manifest: Software update is in progress
  • Loaded: Software is loaded
  • Resetting: Device reset is in progress
  • Finished: Software update is complete
  • Failed: Software update failed

Progress (%) Indicates the percent of the update completed for the device. (When the update is complete or has failed, this value is 100.)

Software to be loaded... Displays the headset and charger software versions selected for the current update.