
The following issues have occurred in previous releases and may still occur in the current release.

Bluetooth and Pairing

  • When double-byte characters are used in a Bluetooth pairing name for a device, the device properties are not updated.
    Workaround: Use single-byte characters in pairing names.
  • If Bluetooth is enabled for a device in VoiceConsole while the device is powered off, the setting may reset to disabled when the device is turned on.
    Workaround:Create a new device profile, load the profile to that device, and restart it.
  • If you attempt to pair a device that was previously paired with a Bluetooth device to a different Bluetooth device, the pairing is not successful.
    Workaround: Clear the existing pairing before attempting to pair a device to a different Bluetooth device.
  • If you activate the Discoverable and Enable manual pairings of headsets check boxes in the Bluetooth section on the Device Properties page and create a pairing with any device, these check boxes do not remain active (checked) when you return to the Device Properties page.
    Workaround: Re-activate (check) these check boxes, and click Apply on the Device Properties page.


  • Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Use a newer browser:
    • Microsoft® Edge
    • Mozilla® Firefox® 4.x and newer
    • Google® Chrome
  • When using Firefox 15 and newer you cannot use the Copy Selection functionality to copy rows within VoiceConsole.
    Workaround: Use an earlier supported version of Firefox or another supported browser.


This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

You cannot use the database schema created for VoiceConsole for another application.

  • When tables exist in the same schema that are not from a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment, upgrading from VoiceConsole 2.3 and earlier with SQL Server results in a database permission error.
    Workaround: Ensure that only tables from a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment exist in the database. Also, system tables should not be present in the database in which VoiceConsole is installed.
  • When a database username for SQL Server contains a space, the installation continues even if an error is received. Additionally, only the text before the space is sent to the server.
    Workaround: Do not use a space for the database username.
  • For a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment, if the SQL Server database collation is not set to be case-insensitive, VoiceConsole may not work properly. When creating a new SQL Server database, ensure that you choose the proper collation for the language that the system is in with "_CI" included in the collation name.


  • When assigning devices to operators, the Save Changes button is disabled on the Assign Devices page.
    Workaround: Change one of the device-to-operator assignments, and then change it back to the original (correct) assignment.
  • When loading a newly created or edited operator to a device from the View Device page, the operator may not immediately appear in the list of operators, or the updated operator information may not be displayed immediately in the drop-down list in the Load Operator dialog box.
    Workaround: Select the operator in the View Operators list. Select Common Operator Actions | Assign devices to selected operator, and click the change link on the Assign Devices page to select a device.
  • If a USB hub is being used to serial load multiple devices, intermittent lockups may occur.
    Workaround: Close and reopen the browser to reinitialize the serial port.
  • When loading device profiles serially to multiple devices at once, you may receive an error stating that the COM port that you are loading through is in use. Honeywell has seen this occur when loading to 15 or more devices.
    Workaround: Ensure that you have set up the serial load correctly in VoiceConsole and that the port is not in use. If this issue still occurs, close and reopen all browser windows to reinitialize the serial port.

Device Profiles

  • If only a configuration file (.cci) is loaded onto a device through TouchConfig or serial loading, the device profile displayed in VoiceConsole is not updated. The displayed information is only updated if a full device profile is loaded.
    Workaround: Load a full device profile onto the device.

Dialog Display

When viewing dialog between a device and an operator while the operator is template training, the progress bar may display the training time incorrectly. The progress bar may indicate that the training has not started, when it has started, or indicate that training is complete, when it has not completed. This does not affect training. The device alerts the operator when training is complete.


When setting up EAP, the searchable attribute and password attribute are only validated if a user is specified.

  • In an operator-based site, regardless of the EAP type used, the operator cannot change credentials the first time on the Change Network Credentials page, even though the page prompts the user to change credentials.
    Workaround: The operator must enter the initial set of credentials as they exist on the LDAP server. This is because the credentials for that operator must be entered into VoiceConsole before they can be changed. So, after the initial set of credentials is entered into VoiceConsole for the first time, the operator can re-enter the Change Network Credentials page via the operator login screen and change credentials.

Installing and Upgrading

This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

You cannot import a VoiceConsole 3.0 or 3.0.1 license into a newer VoiceConsole system. However, if you have previously installed VoiceConsole 3.0 or 3.0.1 and upgrade VoiceConsole, a previously imported 3.0 or 3.0.1 license works in your upgraded system.

  • While installing VoiceConsole in a Linux, non-English environment, you may not be able to enter data into certain fields in the installer interface. The cause of this issue is a known issue within JAVA reported by Oracle.
    Workaround: Select a different field or click a different tab, return to the field, and try to enter the data again.
  • During a silent install of VoiceConsole in a Linux/Unix environment, the TOMCAT_USER is set to null rather than the default VoiceConsole user account. If a silent upgrade is then performed on this installation, the directory security is set for the root user rather than for the expected VoiceConsole user account. The upgraded VoiceConsole does not start properly.
    Workaround: Reset the directory permissions after the upgrade is complete. See the Implementation Guide section on silent installation for more assistance.
  • When upgrading, if the IP address of the machine running VoiceConsole has changed, the previous IP address may still be used during installation regardless of the IP address that you enter during installation. Installation appears to be successful, but an error displays when you open VoiceConsole.
    Workaround: Stop and restart Apache Tomcat before upgrading to this version of VoiceConsole.
  • You cannot upgrade from VoiceConsole versions 2.2 - 2.4 to a newer version of VoiceConsole on a different machine if you used localhost or as the database server name for your previous installation. Errors occur, and you are unable to log into VoiceConsole.
    Workaround: If you used localhost or as the database server name for your previous installation, modify the file and jdbc file before running the upgrade to indicate a different database server name.
  • When installing or upgrading, a database login error occurs if the VoiceConsole database username and password are set to blank or contain the symbol $.
    1. Set the VoiceConsole database username and password to a non-blank value that does not contain the symbol $.
    2. If you are upgrading, update the file in the system that you are upgrading from, and restart that system.
      If you are installing, skip this step.
    3. Install VoiceConsole.
  • When upgrading from a previous version of VoiceConsole when VoiceLink 3.0 or newer is installed on the same computer, using the default log directory causes the default logging directories for each application to merge. Therefore, VoiceConsole and VoiceLink logs are visible in each application.
    Workaround: Choose a location other than the default for the log file directory when upgrading VoiceConsole.
  • When upgrading from VoiceConsole 2.4 to this version of VoiceConsole, Honeywell recommends that you back up the database that you are using for VoiceConsole 2.4 before upgrading to this version in the event that you may need to go back to version 2.4.


This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

  • Starting with VoiceConsole release 5.6.1, a newer license works for an older version of VoiceConsole. This means a license for VoiceConsole customers with version 6.x works for VoiceConsole 5.6.1 and up.


  • If device logging is disabled - and you delete a previously captured device log before the logging action item is canceled - a NullPointerException occurs when the device communicates with VoiceConsole.Workaround: After logging is disabled for the first time, remove the device from view.
  • When viewing a printable version of the View Device Logs page for one site, the device logs in other sites in the system are also viewable.

Operators and Operator Teams

  • When importing large operator lists, you may receive an error.
    Workaround: Split the large operator list into smaller lists of fewer than 100 operators and import each one separately.
  • While importing operator lists with 246 or more operators, you cannot manually add operators to the list via the Add operators to this list link.
  • If an operator message is sent to an operator before the operator had turned on the device - or the device reboots before the operator hears the message - the operator hears the message more than once.
  • If an operator team from one site is added to another site - and an operator on the operator team in both sites is deleted from the second site - that operator is removed from the operator team in the original site. The operator is not deleted from the original site, though; just removed from the team. For example, Operator Team 1 with Operator Bob is in Site A and Operator Team 2 with Operator Mike is in Site B. Operator Team 1 is added to Site B; so now Operator Bob is in both sites. Then, Operator Bob is deleted from Site B. Because of this issue, Operator Bob is removed from Operator Team 1 in Site A, but is not deleted from Site A.
    Workaround: Add the operator back onto the operator team in the original site.
  • When an operator is loaded onto a device with an associated task package - and the device is moved to a different site, and the operator is added - the task package remains associated to the device in the new site, even though the task package does not exist in that site. Also, the task package is still associated to the device in the first site when the device does not exist in that site.
  • When comparing several operators or devices, the Compare Operators or Compare Devices pages display Loading indefinitely.
    Workaround: When comparing operators or devices, you can only compare up to six operators or devices at a time.

Task Packages

  • When using Internet Explorer 8 and creating a task package using a VoiceArtisan task, filtering on All locales on the Phonetic Sub tab and then selecting only one locale from the filter drop-down list may cause the browser to unexpectedly close.
    Workaround: Do not filter on All locales. If the browser closes, open VoiceConsole again. Honeywell no longer supports using Internet Explorer. Use Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.
  • Task package information for VoiceClient-based tasks may not update if a task package is modified in VoiceConsole.
    Workaround: Create a new task package with the correct information, and delete the incorrect task package.


This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

  • After uninstalling this version of VoiceConsole and choosing the option to keep data, device logs are not created when VoiceConsole 3.0 or newer is installed again on the same machine.
    Workaround: Create a new folder called DeviceLogs in the VoiceConsole folder. The default location for this folder is:
    • In Windows: <InstallDirectory>\VoiceConsole
    • In Linux: <InstallDirectory>/VoiceConsole


  • You cannot use the voice management features of this version of VoiceConsole with VoiceConsole 2.4-compatible VoiceClient 3.5 or newer firmware. You must use the VoiceConsole 3.0 or newer-compatible version of VoiceClient 3.5 or newer.


This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

  • After importing a VoiceClient 3.5 or newer file and selecting to import all voices in one site, the voices may appear in another site after you import another VoiceClient file. The voices cannot be used in the second site if the VoiceClient that you imported in that site is earlier than version 3.5.
  • Only one version of VoiceClient 3.5 can exist in the system. If the VoiceConsole 2.4-compatible version is present, you must remove it and import the VoiceConsole 3.0 or newer-compatible version.

VoiceConsole Differences

This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

  • In VoiceConsole 2.4 and earlier, an idle session would timeout after 30 minutes. This timeout has been changed to four hours in VoiceConsole 3.0 and newer.

Web Browsers

  • When accessing certain VoiceConsole pages, such as Create Device Profile, Edit Device Profile, and Edit Hostname, using HTTPS and Internet Explorer, a warning may display, indicating a certificate error.
    Workaround: Continue to the page. This error is not relevant and does not affect VoiceConsole. Honeywell no longer supports using Internet Explorer. Use Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.
  • When using Firefox, opening multiple languages of the Hardware Documentation file within VoiceConsole results in an error.
    Workaround: If you must view the Hardware Documentation in multiple languages, increase Firefox offline storage to 60 MB.
  • In Internet Explorer, you can only apply up to six filters on one list at a time. In Firefox, you can only apply up to 30 filters on one list at a time. Honeywell no longer supports using Internet Explorer. Use Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.
  • You should not use the back button on the navigation bar of the web browser when using VoiceConsole.

Web Services

  • When using web services to delete an operator, the service fails if the operator exists in multiple sites. The Delete Operator service works as expected when the operator only exists in a single site.
    Workaround: If an operator exists in multiple sites, delete the operator using the user interface rather than web services.
  • In a VoiceConsole implementation with a single site, a REST request for a list of sites returns just the properties of that site rather than a list. When multiple sites are present, REST returns the list as expected.
    Workaround: Developers must account for this difference when using REST services to avoid getting an error.

Using VoiceLink 3.0 or Newer

This issue applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

  • When upgrading from VoiceConsole 3.0 and VoiceConsole and VoiceLink 3.0 or newer are installed on the same machine - running the Enterprise Products uninstaller only uninstalls VoiceLink. VoiceConsole remains installed.
    Workaround: To uninstall VoiceConsole - in Windows, run the uninstall application at <InstallDirectory>\VoiceConsole\Uninstall_Vocollect Enterprise Products. In Linux, run the uninstall application at <InstallDirectory>/VoiceConsole/Uninstall_Vocollect Enterprise Products.
  • When upgrading from VoiceConsole 3.0 - and VoiceConsole and VoiceLink 3.0 or newer are installed on the same machine - only the first application installed can be uninstalled by the Windows Add or Remove Programs utility.
    Workaround: To uninstall VoiceConsole - in Windows, run the uninstall application at <InstallDirectory>\VoiceConsole\Uninstall_Vocollect Enterprise Products. In Linux, run the uninstall application at <InstallDirectory>/VoiceConsole/Uninstall_Vocollect Enterprise Products.
  • When upgrading this version of VoiceConsole along with VoiceLink 3.0 or newer, use a different database for VoiceConsole from what you are using for VoiceLink.
  • If you are installing this version of VoiceConsole after VoiceLink 3.0 or newer has been installed, log files for VoiceConsole are stored in <InstallDirectory>\Vocollect\Logs in Windows and <InstallDirectory>/Vocollect/Logs in Linux by default.