Upgrading VoiceConsole

Understanding VoiceConsole Versions

VoiceConsole versions are identified by a sequence of three numbers, major.minor.patch. The third digit may be omitted when it is zero. Generally:

  • Major is incremented when there are significant changes in the software, such as new features that are not backward compatible.
  • Minor is incremented when new minor features or a smaller set of new features is added.
  • Patch is incremented with every bug fix.

The current VoiceConsole version can be viewed by selecting Administration > About.

As new VoiceConsole versions are released, Honeywell may end support for older versions. Honeywell communicates version release and support information via release notification emails (VoiceConsole SaaS deployments) and product notices (VoiceConsole On Prem deployments). Generally Honeywell maintains support for n-1 versions meaning if the latest release is 6.2 versions 6.1 and later are supported.

When VoiceConsole 6.2 or later is first accessed it is necessary to visit the Configure License page and select a license option. After a license option is selected, the appropriate license actions are displayed. Follow the instructions at the link above for the selected option to ensure VoiceConsole is licensed.

Update Process

The update process depends on the VoiceConsole deployment type.