Install VoiceConsole On Prem Deployment for the First Time

This topic applies only to VoiceConsole On Prem deployment customers.

This section describes how to install VoiceConsole On Prem deployment for the first time; that is, when there are no previous instances of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment at your site.

To avoid any potential issues, Honeywell highly recommends against installing VoiceConsole On Prem deployment from a shared network drive.

  • Close all other applications before installing.
  • When installing with Windows, you must run the installer as an administrator. When installing with Linux, the installer must be run as root.
  • On Windows, navigate to install.exe in the downloaded location. On Linux, if you are using Intel or AMD architecture, copy the files from the downloaded location, to your computer, and execute the file.
  • When you install this version of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment for the first time, the following two users are installed with the application with default passwords:
    • admin/admin
    • vocollect/voiceworks

System Components

The following system components are installed when you install VoiceConsole On Prem deployment 6.2.1.

  • Apache Tomcat
  • Java JRE
  • VoiceConsole Web Application
  • Local Licensing Server
  • VoiceConsole Online Help
  • Hardware Documentation

Available Ports and Protocols

VoiceConsole On Prem deployment uses the following protocols:

  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol with Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS)

The Apache Tomcat Service uses the following ports by default for proper startup and shutdown:

Use Default Direction
HTTP 9090 Inbound
WebSocket 9091 Both
HTTPS 9443 Inbound (Browser Only)
Shutdown 9006 Internal

The Local Licensing Server uses the following port:

Use Default Direction
Licensing Server 1443 Both

If these ports are not available, the next available ports are used.

Standard Installation Procedure

  1. If one is not already installed, install the database platform. Instructions for using an Express database are included in these sections: Oracle Database 21c Express Edition and Microsoft SQL Server 2019 or 2022 Express.
  2. Create a blank VoiceConsole database and a user with create, read, and write permissions to the database. When you run the installer in the next step, the database schema is created automatically.
  3. Run the installer.
    The Introduction window appears.
  4. Click Next.
    The License Agreement window appears.
  5. Accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
    The Select Installation Path window appears.
  6. Click Next to install to the default path or, if necessary, browse to the desired installation path and click Next. The Software to Install window appears. All software shown is installed.
  7. Click Next.
    The Copying Software window displays the installer progress during the copy of the individual selected software and the entire copying process.
  8. When the copying process is finished, click Next.
    The Remote Upgrade window appears.
  9. Select No, and click Next.
    The Cluster Configurations window appears.
  10. Select No to select a standard installation, and click Next. If you want to install to a clustered environment, see Install into a Clustered Environment for more information.
    The Configuration and Installation window displays three tabs to configure your installation.
  11. Click the Tomcat Server Configuration tab.
  12. Enter the appropriate information for your Tomcat server configuration.

    1. Tomcat Login Information
      Choose an account, and enter the account username and password, if necessary.
      In Windows, if you select Use Existing Account, ensure that the account entered has the necessary permission described below:

      If you want to use NT authentication for SQL Server databases for a Windows installation, you must use an existing account.

      When using an existing account, set the permissions for starting the Tomcat service. Access \Domain\Users\ to enable the logon for the particular user group and to set permissions.

      • Read permission to the directory from which the installation program is being run

      • Log On As a Service rights and permissions (refer to Tomcat documentation for setup information).

      • Write permissions to all paths provided during installation for the install folder, log files directory, application files location

      • Write permissions to the shared drive for a clustered install (if applicable)

    2. Tomcat Path Configuration
      Confirm the default path to the location where the log files are to be stored, or - if necessary - browse to the desired path. Log files track user activities in the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment application.
    3. Tomcat Port Configuration
      Confirm the default ports that the application server uses, or - if necessary - enter different ports.
  13. Click the Database Configuration tab.
  14. Enter the appropriate information for your database.

    For Express database installs, the Advanced fields below are not used.

    1. SQL Server
      For more information on using a SQL Server Express database with VoiceConsole, see Microsoft SQL Server 2019 or 2022 Express.
      For installations using SQL Server, you must enter the information listed in the following table:

      SQL Server does not enable TCP/IP by default. You must manually enable TCP/IP before the installation can complete successfully.

      • For Basic
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Database HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database. 
        Database PortThe port that the database uses.Must be an integer between 1 and 65535.
        Default is 1433.
        Database NameThe name of the database. 
      • For Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        JDBC URLThe JDBC URL for the database.

        jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>; DatabaseName=<database name>

      • For Both Basic and Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Authentication Type (Windows installs only where existing user specified for Tomcat Server configuration)The authentication type used to connect to the database.If installing on Windows and an existing user was specified for the Tomcat Service configuration, you can select to use NT Authentication. Otherwise, select SQL Server Authentication.
        Database UsernameThe username that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication. 
        Database PasswordThe password of the user that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication. 
        Database SchemaThe database schema that you are using. 
    2. Oracle
      For more information on using an Oracle Express database with VoiceConsole, see Oracle Database 21c Express Edition.
      For installations using Oracle, you must enter the following information:
      • For Basic
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Database HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database. 
        Database PortThe port that the database uses.Must be an integer between 1 and 65535.
        Default is 1521.
        SID or Service NameThe SID or Service Name of the Oracle database. 
      • For Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        JDBC URLThe JDBC URL for the database.jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<database name>
      • For Both Basic and Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Database UsernameThe username of a user with administrative privileges. 
        Database PasswordThe password of a user with administrative privileges. 
  15. Click the VoiceConsole Configuration tab.
  16. Enter the appropriate information for your VoiceConsole On Prem deployment configuration.

    • VoiceConsole Hostname
      Specify the hostname of the machine onto which you are installing VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

    • Display Dialog Port
      Confirm the default port that the application server uses for the Display Dialog feature.

    • Enable HTTPS Support
      Select to enable secure HTTPS on all pages of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment. Certain pages are still secure if this check box is not selected.

    • Storage Directory
      Specify where you would like to have application files stored.
      The storage directory must have enough room to store device logs, which could grow very large in a short amount of time. Additionally, VoiceConsole On Prem deployment performance may be negatively affected if the storage directory is on a shared network drive with low throughput. If not required for clustering, Honeywell recommends having this location on a local drive.

    • Enable SAML SSO
      Check to enable Federation SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) Single Sign On. Additional configuration is necessary to use this feature after the installation is completed.

      SAML SSO cannot be enabled during an upgrade installation. It can only be enabled during a new installation.

  17. Click the License Server Configuration tab.
  18. Enter the appropriate information for the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment to enable the local licensing server:

    1. Port
      The port to be used by the license server. The default is 1443.

    2. Password
      The password to be used for the local license server.

  19. Click Install Now.
    The installation begins. When the first part of the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment installation is successfully completed, click OK.
    If installing on Windows, the Setup Shortcuts window appears. If installing on Linux, go to step 19.
  20. If desired, select the program group in the Start menu to place the shortcut within or edit the path of the shortcut. If you do not want a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment shortcut on the Start menu, clear the Create shortcut in the Start menu checkbox. A shortcut to VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is placed on the desktop automatically after the installation process completes.
  21. Click Next.
    When the installation is complete, the Installation Finished window appears.
  22. If desired, click Generate script to generate an .xml file with your installation choices to use for silent or automatic installations.
  23. Click Done.
    The VoiceConsole Installer closes, and the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment application opens.

Install into a Clustered Environment

This installation procedure is different from the standard installation procedure in that you must install on each node in the cluster individually. The license that was provided to you must be imported into each installation.

When installing in a clustered environment, contact Honeywell for assistance with licensing.

If you are installing into an Active/Passive cluster configuration, make sure that the active node has access to shared resources - for example, the log and firmware files location.

Install Into the First Node

  1. If one is not already installed, install the database platform.
  2. Create a blank VoiceConsole database and a user with create, read, and write permissions to the database. When you run the installer in the next step, the database schema is created automatically.
  3. Run the installer.
    The Introduction window appears.
  4. Click Next.
    The License Agreement window appears.
  5. Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
    The Select Installation Path window appears.
  6. Click Next to install to the default path, or - if necessary - browse to the desired installation path and click Next.
    The Software to Install window appears.
  7. Click Next.
    The Copying Software window displays the installer's progress during the copy of the individual selected software and the entire copying process.
  8. When the copying process is finished, click Next.
    The Cluster Configurations window appears.
  9. Select Yes, select a directory that can be accessed by all cluster nodes by the same path, and click Next.
    For Windows operating systems, Honeywell recommends using a UNC path (ex. \\ComputerName\Path) as the Shared Storage directory.
    The Configuration and Installation window displays four tabs to configure your installation.
  10. Enter the appropriate information for your Tomcat server configuration.
    • Tomcat Login Information
      Choose an account, and enter the account username and password, if necessary.
      In Windows, if you select Use Existing Account, ensure that the account entered has the necessary permission described below:

      If you want to use NT authentication for SQL Server databases for a Windows installation, you must use an existing account.

      • Read permission to the directory from which the installation program is being run.
      • Log On As a Service rights and permissions.
      • Write permissions to all paths provided during installation for the install folder, log files directory, application files location.
      • Full Control permissions to the shared drive for a clustered install (if applicable).
    • Tomcat Path Configuration
      Confirm the default path to the shared storage location where log files are to be stored, or- if necessary - browse to the desired path. Log files track user activities in the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment application.
    • Tomcat Port Configuration
      Confirm the default ports that the application server uses, or - if necessary - enter different ports.
  11. Click the Database Configuration tab.
  12. Enter the appropriate information for your database.
    1. SQL Server
      For installations using SQL Server, you must enter the information listed in the following table:

      SQL Server does not enable TCP/IP by default. You must manually enable TCP/IP before the installation can complete successfully.

      • For Basic
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Database HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database. 
        Database PortThe port that the database uses.Must be an integer between 1 and 65535.
        Default is 1433.
        Database NameThe name of the database. 
      • For Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        JDBC URLThe JDBC URL for the database.

        jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>; DatabaseName=<database name>

      • For Both Basic and Advanced
        FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
        Authentication Type (Windows installs only where existing user specified for Tomcat Server configuration)The authentication type used to connect to the database.If installing on Windows and an existing user was specified for the Tomcat Service configuration, you can select to use NT Authentication. Otherwise, select SQL Server Authentication.
        Database UsernameThe username that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication. 
        Database PasswordThe password of the user that the application should use to log into the database. This is disabled if using NT Authentication. 
        Database SchemaThe database schema that you are using. 
    2. Oracle
      For installations using Oracle, you must enter the following information:
    • For Basic
      FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
      Database HostnameDNS name or IP address of the machine hosting the database. 
      Database PortThe port that the database uses.Must be an integer between 1 and 65535.
      Default is 1521.
      SID or Service NameThe SID or Service Name of the Oracle database. 
    • For Advanced
      FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
      JDBC URLThe JDBC URL for the database.jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<database name>
    • For Both Basic and Advanced
      FieldDescriptionValid Entry Format
      Database UsernameThe username of a user with administrative privileges. 
      Database PasswordThe password of a user with administrative privileges. 
  13. Click the VoiceConsole Configuration tab.
  14. Enter the appropriate information for your VoiceConsole On Prem deployment configuration.
    VoiceConsole HostnameSpecify the hostname or IP address of the machine controlling the cluster.
    Display Dialog PortConfirm the default port that the application server uses for the Display Dialog feature.
    Enable HTTPS Support

    Select to enable secure HTTPS on all pages of VoiceConsole On Prem deployment. Certain pages are still secure if this check box is not selected.

    Storage Directory

    Confirm the default path to the shared storage location accessible by all cluster nodes where you would like to have application files stored.

    The storage directory must have enough room to store device logs, which could grow very large in a short amount of time. Additionally, VoiceConsole On Prem deploymentperformance may be negatively affected if the storage directory is on a shared network drive with low throughput. If not required for clustering, Honeywell recommends having this location on a local drive.

  15. Click Install Now.
    The installation begins. When the first part of the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment installation is successfully completed, click OK.
    If installing on Windows, the Setup Shortcuts window appears. If installing on Linux, go to step 18.
  16. If desired, select the program group in the Start menu to place the shortcut within or edit the path of the shortcut. If you do not want a VoiceConsole shortcut on the Start menu, clear the Create shortcut in the Start menu checkbox. A shortcut to VoiceConsole On Prem deployment is placed on the desktop automatically after the installation process completes.
  17. Click Next.
    The installation continues. When the installation is complete, the Installation Finished window appears.
  18. If desired, click Generate script to generate an .xml file with your installation choice data to use for silent or automatic installations.
  19. Click Done.
    The VoiceConsole Installer closes, and the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment application opens.

Install into Additional Nodes

If you are installing into an Active/Passive cluster configuration, make sure that the active node has access to shared resources - for example, the log and firmware files location.

  1. Run the installer>br />The Introduction window appears.
  2. Click Next.
    The License Agreement window appears.
  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
    The Select Installation Path window appears.
  4. Click Next to install to the default path or, if necessary, browse to the desired installation path and click Next.
    The Software to Install window appears.
  5. Click Next.
    The Copying Software window displays the installer progress during the copy of the individual selected software and the entire copying process.
  6. When the copying process is finished, click Next.
    The Cluster Configurations window appears.
  7. Select Yes, select the directory that you entered in step 9 of Install Into the First Node, and click Next.
    The Configuration and Installation window contains four tabs to configure your installation.
  8. Click the Tomcat Server Configuration tab.
  9. In the Tomcat Path Configuration field, confirm the default path to the shared storage location where log files are stored, or - if necessary - browse to the desired path.
    Fields on the tabs of the Configuration and Installation window are populated with installation information entered when you installed VoiceConsole On Prem deployment on the first node. Only the Tomcat Path Configuration field can be edited.
  10. Click the Database Configuration tab and the VoiceConsole Configuration tab to verify that the information automatically entered.
  11. Click Install Now.
    The installation begins. When the first part of the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment installation is successfully completed, click OK.
    If installing on Windows, the Setup Shortcuts window displays. If installing on Linux, go to step 14.
  12. If desired, select the program group in the Start menu to place the shortcut within or edit the path of the shortcut. If you do not want a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment shortcut on the Start menu, clear the Create shortcut in the Start menu checkbox.
  13. Click Next.
    The installation continues. When the installation is complete, the Installation Finished window displays.
  14. If desired, click Generate an automatic installation script to generate an .xml file with your installation choice data to use for silent or automatic installations.
  15. Click Done.
    The VoiceConsole Installer closes, and the VoiceConsole On Prem deployment application opens.