Secure the Database Password

This section applies only to a VoiceConsole On Prem deployment.

Regardless of the database used, the installation program stores the file in the target installation folder. This file includes the database password and username that the application uses to log into the database (unless you are using SQL Server with NT Authentication). To protect the database user, database passwords in this file are encrypted. However, this file is a plain text file that can be read by any text editor. Therefore, if you want to secure this file, follow the appropriate steps to secure it with Windows or Linux file permissions, depending on the operating system that you are using.

Change the Embedded Database Password

This section describes the process to change the embedded database password on a previously installed version of VoiceConsole.

  1. Ensure that VoiceConsole is running.
  2. Open a command prompt/terminal window.
  3. Navigate to the VoiceConsole lib directory.

    Default locations are C:\Program Files\Vocollect\VoiceConsole\tomcat\webapps\VoiceConsole\WEB-INF\lib on Windows or /opt/Vocollect/VoiceConsole/tomcat/webapps/VoiceConsole/WEB-INF/lib on Red Hat Linux or CentOS Linux.

  4. Type the command java -cp ./hsqldb-2.3.0.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing
  5. Press Enter.

    The Connect window opens.

  6. Enter the following connection settings:
    • Setting Name: VoiceConsole DB
    • Type: HSQL Database Engine Server
    • Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    • URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:<port entered on install>/vcdb
    • User: sa
    • Password: leave this field blank
  7. Click OK.

    The HSQL Database Manager window opens.

  8. Type SET PASSWORD 'YourNewPassword'';checkpoint; into the text box.
  9. Click Execute SQL.
  10. Open the VoiceConsole file in a text editor.

    Default locations are C:\Program Files\Vocollect\VoiceConsole\tomcat\webapps\VoiceConsole\WEB-INF\classes\ on Windows or /opt/Vocollect/VoiceConsole/tomcat/webapps/VoiceConsole/WEB-INF/classes/ on Red Hat Linux or CentOS Linux.

  11. Change the values for hibernate.connection.password and archive.hibernate.connection.password to the new password.
  12. Save the file.
  13. Restart and log into VoiceConsole On Prem with the existing admin account to confirm that the database connection has been established.