
This parameter requires VoiceCatalyst 4.2 or greater. VoiceCatalyst 4.3 or greater is required to support PnG languages other than US English.


The recognizer automatically generates pronunciations. If a word is not recognized correctly, use this parameter to provide one or more different spellings of the word (separated by commas) to specify how users may pronounce the word, where <word> is a vocabulary word from the app and <languageTag> identifies the PnG language.

There may be more than one default pronunciation for a word.

Parameters with a word tag are passing either a vocabulary word from the app, or if defined, the app's corresponding display string from the task/VAD Phonetic Substitutions table. Spaces in the word must be replaced with underscores(_) when used in parameter names.

By default, these pronunciations are added to the default pronunciation. To replace the default pronunciation, use PnG_Recog_DisableDefaultPronunciations_<languageTag>_<word>.

Valid Values

The format for <languageTag> is two lowercase letters, an underscore, and two uppercase letters. Refer to the Speech Recognition Guide for a list of valid entries.

Works on Devices

  • A700x

Task Type

  • TaskBuilder
  • VoiceArtisan