VoiceConsole and Device Setup

Use this section as a guide for installing and configuring VoiceConsole, importing voice software, and setting parameters for Talkman device functionality.

For more detailed instructions, see the VoiceConsole Implementation Guide and the Honeywell Voice Software User's Guide.

VoiceConsole is supported for Talkman devices running VoiceCheck 1.7 and below.

Installing VoiceConsole

The release of VoiceConsole included in your Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution includes features developed specifically to support the solution. It offers an option in creating device profiles to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communications between VoiceConsole and Talkman devices. Similarly, while creating a task package, select to use SSL-secured communications between VoiceCheck and devices. It also offers a way to ensure proper time synching when devices power up for the first time by including Network Time Protocol settings in device profiles.

Create a Database

Unless you plan to use the VoiceConsole Embedded Database, you must first install a blank VoiceConsole database, and create a user with create, read, and write permissions to the database.

When you run the VoiceConsole installer, the database schema will be created automatically.

Run the VoiceConsole Installer

On a Windows platform, you must run the installer as an administrator. Navigate to and run install.exe on the DVD.

When installing on Linux, the installer must be run as root. If you are using Intel or AMD architecture, copy the files from the VoiceConsole DVD to your computer and execute the install.sh file.

Configuring Your VoiceConsole Installation

With the installation complete, log on to the VoiceConsole application and begin setting up the environment specific to operations. See VoiceConsole Online Help for detailed instructions.

Obtain and Import a VoiceConsole License

Honeywell generates and provides you with a license file that lets you run the software according to your purchase agreement.

Enter a valid license before loading device profiles, operators, or task packages onto devices. The license must support the total number of devices connecting to VoiceConsole, not the number of devices per site.


In the Administration section of the VoiceConsole user interface (GUI), navigate to Licenses and click the Import License action link.

Create Sites

Use VoiceConsole to manage your voice solution at multiple sites. Typically, logical sites mirror geographical or physical sites within a company, unless requirements differ among functions at the same location.


In the Administration section of the GUI, navigate to Sites and click the Create new site action link.

If you plan to support multiple sites, you must create the sites in both VoiceConsole and VoiceCheck. Then you must associate a task, task package, device profiles, and operators with each site. You may want to create a task and users that are specific to each site. See Creating Additional Sites for Multi-Site Implementations for more instruction.

Create Roles and Users

Roles define what a user is allowed to do in the application. Roles are assigned to users, and users can only access features that are accessible by the user's roles.


In the Administration section of the GUI, navigate to Roles and click the Create new role action link.

For each role, grant access to specific features by checking them. Note that if you grant the ability to perform an action on a page (such as, deleting an operator on the View Operator page), you must also grant the ability to view that page.

Each user must have a unique username and must be granted at least one role.

When SSO is not used, passwords must be changed after the first log in, and must adhere to the following password complexity requirements.

A minimum of 8 characters, including:

  • 1 upper-case letter
  • 1 lower-case letter
  • 1 numeral or special character

New passwords must not match any of the last three user passwords.

Users will be locked out after three invalid login attempts and must wait 15 minutes to try again or contact their system administrator to unlock their account.


In the Administration section of the GUI, navigate to Users and click the Create new user action link.

Create Operators

While you create users in VoiceConsole to grant access to the GUI application, you create operators to manage how your technicians are associated with devices, voice templates, and task packages.

In the Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution, every technician requires a user and operator account in VoiceConsole. Not every application user, however, may perform inspections as a Talkman device operator.


In the Operation Management tab of the GUI, navigate to Operators and click the Create new operator action link.

Associate a task package with each operator.

Move or Copy Operators among Sites

If your technicians work in more than one site, you must add the associated VoiceConsole operators to those additional sites prior to the technicians arriving.


  • In the Operation Management tab of the GUI, navigate to Operators, select one or more operators in the table, and click the Move operators > Move/add selected operators to a site action link.
  • Select move to remove the operators from the current site.
  • Select add to retain the operators in the current site.

When an operator exists in more than one site, any edits you make to that operator will affect every site where the operator exists. However, an operator can be deleted from additional sites without affecting remaining sites.

In both VoiceConsole and VoiceCheck, enable GUI users for any or all sites at any time.

Add Optional Wireless Security

Your corporate IT policy may require that additional security measures are implemented on your wireless network. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is a secure means of transferring data on a wireless network from one computer—in this case, a Talkman device—to a network access point. Configure specific sites to use EAP.


In the Administration section of the GUI, navigate to Sites, select a site, and click the Configure EAP for selected site action link. See VoiceConsole Online Help for guidance in completing the required fields. Repeat for additional sites as needed.

Note that the Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution also offers SSL-encrypted communications between Talkman devices and VoiceConsole. See Securing Device Communications for more information.

Configure Optional Authentication

If you want users to log into the application with an application-specific password, ensure that a password is entered for each user account. Optionally, choose to allow users to log into VoiceConsole with their directory server (LDAP) passwords.


In the Administration section of the GUI, navigate to System Configuration and click the Edit System Configuration action link.

Set up Email Notifications

Configure VoiceConsole to email critical notifications automatically to one or more users.


First, assign the users to roles that grant the ability to view notifications. Then add the users' email addresses to their VoiceConsole user accounts. Finally, provide the Outgoing SMTP Host information in the System Configuration page.