Adding or Editing List Items

  1. Open the Create List Item Group or Edit List Item Group page.
  2. Add a list item from the Edit Step page. On the Prompt Type tab, select Multiple List Selection from the drop-down menu. Next to the Items Key field is a link to add list item.

  3. Click in a blank or existing row in the List Items table.
  4. Enter a code and text.

    Enter each list item as a text string that technicians can speak in response to list prompts.

    A single list item where the response includes a series of words can be entered in two ways—one that requires the technician to speak the entire series, and one that allows the technician to speak any one word of the series.


    • Full series response entry uses commas: Nicks, Dents, Scratches
      Technician response: "Nicks Dents Scratches"
    • Single word response entry is a pipe-separated series: Nicks|Dents|Scratches
      Technician response: "Nicks" or "Dents" or "Scratches"
  5. Click a button to the right of the row to complete the action.
    • Click the Add row button to save a new list item. A new blank row appears below.
    • Click the Commit button to save an updated list item.
    • Click the Cancel button to discard changes. The list item retains its previous entry.
    • Click the Delete button to remove the list item from the group.
    You MUST click a button for the row or changes will be lost.
    If necessary, change the order of list items by dragging rows up or down in the table.

    When a technician uses the "Options" command at a multiple list selection prompt, the device speaks the list items in the order that they appear in this table.

  6. Save changes.
    • Click the Create list item group button to save entries for a new group.
    • Click the Save changes button to save edits to an existing group.

A list item cannot be modified or deleted if it is referenced in a VoiceForm step.