Programming Symbol LS4208 Barcode Scanners

You can program the Symbol LS4208 barcode scanner to match the default settings of a Talkman device.

The default settings are:

  • 9600 baud
  • 8 data bits
  • No parity
  • 1 stop bit
  1. Print this page.
  2. Scan the following code to ensure that the scanner's parameters are set to the default settings.
    Set All Defaults

  3. Scan the following Scan Options barcode to change the scan data format.
    Set Scan Options to Change Data Format

  4. Scan the following barcode to set the scan data format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>.
    Set to Data Format to <DATA> <SUFFIX>

  5. Scan the following Enter barcode to complete the data format change.
    Set Data Format Change