Training with Visual Training Devices

Recommended Visual Training Device

The Honeywell Dolphin CT60 is an Android-based hand-held computer that can be used as a training device. For CT60 configuration information refer to the product documentation at

To use the CT60 as a training device:

  1. Configure the CT60 to connect to your network.
  2. Open the Chrome browser on the CT60.
  3. Enter the IP address of the voice device in the browser address bar on the CT60.
  4. Tap on the Train Words icon.

The display can be used in either portrait or landscape mode.

Legacy Visual Training Devices

The Pidion BM-170 and QTREM-G55 are obsolete. The Dolphin CT60 is the recommenced visual training device.

The Pidion BM-170 is not supported with the A700x.

Pidion BM-170 and QTERM-G55

  • Visual training devices enable operators to read the words that the operator needs to say during the enrollment training process.
  • Honeywell recommends using a browser-based mobile display with Talkman A500 or A700 devices, and the QTERM-G55 with Talkman T5 or T2x devices.
  • These devices have a liquid-crystal screen that displays words that an operator needs to train. Operators are more likely to speak in their normal conversational tone when reading the words than when hearing the device say the words during training.
  • Honeywell provides a cable with a connector so that the QTERM device can be attached to the red port on the device.
  • Supporting documentation and software for the QTERM visual training device is available for free download on the manufacturer’s website. Please refer to this site for all supplemental product information such as the user manual, specifications, data sheet, tutorials, and accompanying software.
    In order to use QTERM devices with a Thai TTS, you must use a QTERM-G55 running device software version 3.1 or newer. After connecting the QTERM, verify you have the correct software by checking debug logs for the message "TRAIN DEVICE: Device query detected training device G55 using v3.1." If you do not see this message, you do not have the correct software, and you must obtain it to use the device with a Thai TTS.