Before Contacting Support

This section describes what you will need before contacting technical support with an issue and how to gather the needed files.

General Information Needed for Most Support Requests

Devices Types

  • Talkman model
  • Non-Talkman device manufacturer/model
  • Headset model
  • Other headset
  • Bar code reader type

Voice Software

  • VoiceClient version displayed in VoiceConsole
  • VoiceCatalyst version displayed in VoiceConsole


  • VoiceConsole version

Device Logs

  • Have you begun to capture device logs?
  • Be prepared to submit these files to your technical support center.

Common Questions to Answer when Contacting Support

  • Was a previous service request for the same problem / question closed as unresolved?
  • How many users are affected?
  • How often does the issue happen?
  • What is the current workaround?
  • When did the issue first occur?
  • How is this impacting the business?
  • Has anything about the environment changed?

Enabling Device Logging in VoiceConsole

  1. Select VoiceConsole > Device Management > Devices.
  2. Click the name of the device for which you want to enable logging. The properties window for that device will appear.
  3. Enable logging for the device. Depending on the version of VoiceConsole you are running:
    1. Click the Edit selected device link.
    2. In the logging section of the Edit Device page, select Enabled from the Logging Enabled drop-down list.
  4. After the issue has been captured in the log file, export the log file through the Device Properties window.
  5. Save the file and send it to Technical Support, along with any other relevant information.